oh what fleeting moments I should capture, oh what memories I should still possess

Posts tagged “Chesapeake Bay

Goin’ Fishin’

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What I see is my niece heading out with her fishing tackle in tow. What I think is I like catching fish more than I like fishing.


If people concentrated on the

really important things in life,

there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.

– Doug Larson 

Old Souls

What I see is the remnants of an old factory or something.

What I see are the remnants of an old factory or something – I don’t even know what this was. What I think is “I want to go in there!” I can’t pass by any kind of old run-down, boarded-up, falling-down structure without a burning desire to explore it.


Buildings have souls too.

Use it or Lose it


What I see is a couple of Osprey who’ve built their nest on someone’s boat. What I know is I wouldn’t want to be the one who has to evict them.


There is nothing in which the birds

differ more from man

than the way in which they can build

and yet leave a landscape as it was before.

– Robert Wilson Lynd 


heron on a walk

crab claws as a metaphor for life

I spent last weekend at the river and had the opportunity to photograph the crabs that my dad let go (guess what was for dinner?). What I see is the claw of a female crab, ready for action. What I immediately thought when I looked through the viewfinder was, “the teeth on that claw look just like my dog’s teeth”.


People are pretty much alike.

It’s only that our differences

are more susceptible to definition

than our similarities.

– Linda Ellerbee


I’ve used this photo already on a post for my other blog, but it popped into my head today, so here it is again. What I see is just a bunch of traps stacked up together. But what I think about is warm breezes, rolling waves, voices tossed up like so much sea spray, and the salty, marshy, fishy smell of untamed waters.


If there is magic on this planet,

it is contained in water.

– Loran Eisley