oh what fleeting moments I should capture, oh what memories I should still possess

Posts tagged “children

the shadows we cast

What I see is my big shadow entirely covering my little niece as she sits in the grass. What I hope is that I can be a good enough example for her, that my deeds might cast half as great a shadow on her life as that literal one. What I fear is I'll fall far, far short of even half.

What I see is my giant shadow engulfing my little niece as she sits in the grass. What I hope is that I have enough goodness in me that my example will cast half as great a shadow on her life as that literal one. What I fear is I’m falling far, far short of even half.


You can preach

a better sermon

with your life

than with your lips.

– Oliver Goldsmith 

Goin’ Fishin’

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What I see is my niece heading out with her fishing tackle in tow. What I think is I like catching fish more than I like fishing.


If people concentrated on the

really important things in life,

there’d be a shortage of fishing poles.

– Doug Larson 

Holding On and Letting Go


What I see is my niece holding on to her cat. What I remember is that cat did not want to be held on to! What I know is I do the same thing all too often – hold on tight to things that want to be let go. And sometimes I don’t hold tight enough to the things I should. But it’s a brand new year, and a good time to evaluate what I hold dear, what I need to put more time and energy into, and what I need to just let go.

Cheers to a new year

and another chance

for us to get it right.

Oprah Winfrey    



all the ages we’ve been


What I see is my niece playing tea pots. What I think is, “I used to have hair like that. Golden and shiny and beautiful. (sigh) And now I don’t.” What I feel is old. What I hope is I’m not nearly as old as I’ll get.

The great thing

about getting older

is that you don’t lose all

the other ages you have been.

Madeleine L’Engle   


They Meet


My niece, who just turned a year old last month. What I see is Allison practically swallowed up in her sister’s dress up clothes. What I think is she’ll grow into them faster than I’d like.


Making the decision to have a child

is momentous.

It is to decide forever to have your heart

go walking around outside your body.

– Elizabeth Stone

In Between

What I see is Amanda, standing between the two doors at her house. On May 5th. What I think is she picks out her own clothes.


I asked her to do this,

just so I could take a picture of it.

Does that make me a bad aunt,

a bigger kid than she is,

or just creative?

(By the way, that’s a rhetorical question.)

A Helping Hand


Sometimes we need other people

to save us from ourselves.

Whether we’re aware of it or not.

See how she flies!

This is the picture that sparked my photo blog creativity once again - albeit almost 3 weeks after I took it. What I see is Amanda swinging wildly out over the body of water that she calls Swan Lake. What I think is that will never be me. What I wonder is when did I get too scared to fly?


I don’t believe for one moment

that youth is wasted on the young.

see how she grows

The last time I posted a picture of baby Allison, she was...well, a baby. I guess she's still a baby, but it's getting harder and harder to think so. What I see here is a girl who can take herself places. And is she ever motivated to move! What I think is she's growing up way too fast.


Babies are such a nice way

to start people.

– Don Herrold


please stop looking at that light

What I see is Amanda intently gazing into a spotlight at the botanical gardens. If I had known she was going sit down and stare into it, I wouldn't have asked her to go over there. She simply refused to stop. Maybe she wanted to touch it, but at least knew enough not to do that. What I think is this just couldn't have been good for her.


If you don’t have your own children,

you have to settle for ruining

other people’s kids.

How Time Flies

My niece, baby Allison, back when she was still a tiny little thing. What I see is a darling baby, who was always asleep. What I think of is how fast she's growing, and the now six-month-old who was just sitting on my knee and kicking her little legs for all she was worth.


Time is at once

the most valuable

and the most perishable

of all our possessions.

– John Randolph