oh what fleeting moments I should capture, oh what memories I should still possess


What I see is a Water Lily bud. What I remember is it was open and huge and lovely when I first saw it. But then it was closed back up when I went out to look at it later that afternoon. What I think is sometimes beautiful things just have to conserve their energy.

What I see is a Water Lily bud. What I remember is it was open and huge and lovely when I first saw it, but then it was all sealed up when I went out later. What I think is we all have times when we need to close back in upon ourselves, rest – tap into the light within, so we’ll have strength enough to open back up again.


Deep in their roots,

all flowers keep the light.

– Theodore Roethke 

2 responses

  1. Gorgeous photo! I didn’t know the flower would close up again. Does it do this more than once?

    September 2, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    • I was super surprised myself! There was one flower the first day and suddenly 3 flowers the next day. That second night I went to take a picture about 5pm and they were all closed. My parents said they open each morning and close each evening.

      September 2, 2015 at 10:52 pm

What Do You See?